Round-trip flights from Phoenix to Baltimore are displayed. Airfares are non-warranted because airlines update them as per the demand and availability on real time. The cost of an airline ticket is inclusive of the base fare, fuel surcharges, airline/airport/government taxes, and our service fee. More booking details available with Terms and Conditions. Search, Compare and Book Cheap Tickets from Phoenix to Baltimore
Cheapfaremart saves your money and time when it comes to booking a flight. For the route, Phoenix to Baltimore, we have displayed some results. However, you are free to launch a new flight search by your departure date and travel class. Cheapfaremart understands what it takes to book an airline ticket wisely. We provide all details including the flight number, carrier, aircraft type, departure and arrival timing, free checked-in baggage availability, fare rules, travel insurance cost, and much more to make your job easier.
Phoenix to Baltimore Flight Information
Departure Airport in Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix International Airport Official Name: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Location: 3 miles (4.8 km) east of downtown Phoenix
Quick Facts: The airport serves as the sixth-largest hub for American Airlines with over 250 daily departures to 102 destinations in 5 countries.
Arrival Airport Choices in Baltimore
Baltimore Airport
Official Name: Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
Location: 30 miles (48 km) northeast of Washington D.C.
Quick Facts: BWI is a focus city for Southwest Airlines and Spirit Airlines, both leading low-cost carriers in the US.
Dulles Airport
Official Name: Washington Dulles International Airport
Location: Distance from Washington DC is 26 miles.
Quick Facts: Opened in 1962, IAD is a hub for United Airlines (UA)
Reagan National Airport
Official Name: Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Location: 6 miles from the city center of DC
Quick Facts: This is a hub for American Airlines (AA), the flagship carrier in the US.
Operating Airlines
Airlines | Flights by Stop | Departure Airport | Arrival Airport | Connection Airport |
Spirit (NK) | 1-Stop | PHX | BWI | Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) |
American (AA) | 1-Stop | PHX | BWI | Charlotte (CLT) |
United (UA) | 1-Stop | PHX | BWI | Houston (IAH) |
Alaska (AS) | 1-Stop | PHX | BWI | Seattle (SEA) |
United (UA) | 2-Stop | PHX | BWI | San Francisco (SFO), Chicago (ORD) |
American (AA) | 2-Stop | PHX | BWI | Dallas Fort Worth (DFW), Charlotte (CLT) |
United (UA) | 2-Stop | PHX | BWI | Houston (IAH), Fort Lauderdale (MDL) |
Flight Distance, Flight Time
Flight distance: 1,797 miles/2892 km
Flight time: 4 hours 09 minutes
Time Difference: Phoenix is 3 hours behind
The flight time is calculated by assuming the aircraft speed as 804.67 km or 500 miles per hour. The flight distance is straight aerial distance between the two points. Also, the flight time is only the time spent in the air, i.e., it doesn’t include the take-off and landing times. If there is a technical stop-over or layover, the overall travel time increases further.
Baltimore Tourism Season
- Summer (May to September)
- Warm temperatures. Sunshine hours/day: 8
- Winter (December to February)
- Coldest month: January (29.1 to 42.4°F)
- Spring (March to April)
- Autumn (October to November)
Frequently Asked Questions
What percentage of departure flights take off on time at Phoenix Airport? Eighty percent of 21,375k (total domestic departure flights) were on time at Phoenix Airport in 2019. The delayed departure minutes stood at 58.14 minutes.
What percentage of arrival flights were on time at BWI or Baltimore International Airport? 77 percent of 12,666k (total domestic arrival flights) were on time at the airport in 2019. The average delay minutes equaled 59.38 minutes. BWI ranks 7 in the US by the on-time performance of arrival flights.
Which is the best airline to fly from Phoenix to Baltimore? Alaska Airlines (AS) tops the list of carriers operating on this route by on-time performance. The data is sourced from OAG OTP Report (June ’18 – May ’19)
Airlines | On-Time Flight % | Total Flights |
Alaska Airlines (AS) | 80.7 | 456,996 |
Spirit (NK) | 80.4 | 206,440 |
American Airlines (AA) | 78.9 | 2,320,441 |
United Airlines (UA) | 76.9 | 1,769,122 |
Which airlines has the cheapest air ticket on this route? Spirit, the leading low-cost airline, has the most competitive price on this route and icing on the cake is its commendable on-time performance.