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Airport Name: Kunming Changshui International Airport
Location: The airport sits 24.5 km (15.2 mi) northeast of the city center in a graded mountainous area about 2,100 m (6,900 ft) above sea level.
Hub for: China Eastern Airlines, Kunming Airlines, Lucky Air, Sichuan Airlines and Ruili Airlines
Airport Facts: Two runways manage the takeoff and landing of flights. The main terminal features 66 gates with jet bridges, and it has got a sprawling 548,300 m2 (5,902,000 sq ft) area. The airport connects seamlessly with the Line 6 of the Kunming Metro.
What is the Best Time to Visit Kunming?
Kunming is referred to as the city of eternal spring. The town faces neither extreme summer nor nail-biting cold. Wet and dry are the two prominent seasons. The wet season starts from May and lasts till October and the dry season begins in November and continues till April in the following year. With such good weather throughout the year, every time is the best time to visit Kunming. If you want to discover the cultural beauty of the place, plan your holiday between February and October when most of the festivals like Dage Festival (February 8), Water Splashing Festival (around April 15), and The Torch Festival (June 24 or 25) are observed.
The maximum temperature stays in highs of the 60s and the minimum in highs of 50s. Summers are mostly cloudy and rainy. Alternatively, you can say that there is no summer at all. From November to March, the lower temperature plummets to mid-30s. (All temperature in Fahrenheit). Warm apparels are indispensable. Don’t mind if they add a bit of more weight to your baggage.
Kunming receives a good deal of rain (180 to 200mm) between June and September. The frequent rain adds to the greenery and vibrancy of the place. Most of the Chinese festivals fall during this season only. Don’t forget to pack your warm clothes and a camera.
Top Attractions in Kunming
1. Historical Monuments in Kunming Jinma and Biji Memorial Archways (400 years old), Zhong’ai Memorial Archway, Yuantong Temple, Haiyuan Temple, Qiongzhu Temple, Panlong Temple, Guandu Ancient Town, Jingang Tower in Guandu Town, Jinning Zheng He Park and Xisi Tower are some of the most-visited historical monuments of the city.
The list of significant museums includes Yunnan Nationalities Museum, Yunnan Provincial Museum, Yunnan Railway Museum, Military School (Museums), Yunnan Railway Museum and Kunming City Museum.
3. Natural Wonders of Kunming One the one hand Kunming is the political, economic and cultural city, but on the other, it’s a natural reservoir. Kunming Dragon Gate, Dongchuan Red Land, Kunming West Hill, and Haidong Wetlands Park are some of the highly recommended places in the city.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How far is Kunming from Los Angeles by plane? 7,562 miles or 12170 km. Kunming is 15 hours ahead of Los Angeles.
How long is the flight from Los Angeles to Kunming? 16 hours 45 minutes is the shortest flight time with China Eastern Airlines.
Is there a direct flight to Kunming from Los Angeles? What airline has cheap flight tickets to Kunming from Los Angeles? Asiana and Shandong Airlines together provide cheap flight tickets to Kunming from Los Angeles. Flights are connecting with layover at either Incheon International Airport (ICN) or Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport (TNA) or both.
How far is Kunming from San Francisco by plane? 7,224 miles or 11626 km. Kunming is 15 hours ahead of San Francisco?
How long is the flight from San Francisco to Kunming? 17 hours 30 minutes is the shortest flight time with China Southern Airlines.
Is there a direct flight to Kunming from San Francisco? What airline has cheap flight tickets to Kunming from San Francisco? China Southern Airlines provides cheap flight tickets from SFO to KMG. The flights are connecting with layover at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN) and Changsha Huanghua International Airport (CSX), both connecting airports are in China only.
How far is Kunming from New York by plane? 7,902 miles or 12717 km. Kunming is 12 hours ahead of New York.
How long is the flight from New York to Kunming? 20 hours 15 minutes is the shortest flight time with Asiana and Shandong Airlines.
Is there a direct flight to Kunming from New York? What airline has cheap flight tickets to Kunming from New York? Asiana and Shandong Airlines (SC) co-operate to provide cheap tickets to Kunming from JFK. Asiana belongs to Korea and Shandong to China.
How far is Kunming from Las Vegas by plane? 7,557 miles or 12162 km. Kunming is 15 hours ahead of Las Vegas.
How long is the flight from Las Vegas to Kunming? 18 hours 05 minutes is the shortest flight time with Asiana and Shandong Airlines.
Is there a direct flight to Kunming from Las Vegas? What airline has cheap flight tickets to Kunming from Las Vegas? Asiana and Shandong Airlines (SC) co-operate to provide cheap tickets to Kunming from LAS, Las Vegas. Asiana belongs to Korea and Shandong to China.
How far is Kunming from Chicago, IL by plane? 7,779 miles or 12520 km. Kunming is 13 hours ahead of Chicago.
How long is the flight from Chicago to Kunming? 21 hours 30 minutes is the approximate flight time.
Is there a direct flight to Kunming from Chicago? What airline has cheap flight tickets to Kunming from Chicago? Alaska and China Southern Airlines.
What are the cheapest months to fly to Kunming? April to Mid-May and July to August are the cheapest months to fly to Kunming.
What is the connection airport for China Southern Airlines flying to Kunming? China’s Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN).
How far is Kunming from Florida by plane? 8,924 miles or 14362 km. Kunming is 12 hours ahead of Florida.
How much time does it take to reach Kunming from Florida? 22 hours 12 minutes is the shortest flight time based on a flight co-operated by American and China Southern Airlines.
What airlines offer cheap flights to Kunming from Miami? Virgin Atlantic (VS) and China Southern Airlines (CZ) together provide budget fare on the route. Virgin Atlantic belongs to UK and China Southern Airlines to China. The connections take place at the hub of both, i.e., Heathrow Airport (LHR) in London and Shanghai Pudong International Airport in China.
When to book airline ticket to Kunming, Kunming for the lowest fare? Book your cheap flights 4–7 months before the scheduled departure.
What are the best carriers to fly to Kunming, Kunming from USA cities? - 5-star rated airlines: Asian Airlines (Korea)
- 4-star rated airlines: China Southern Airlines (China)
- 3-star rated airlines: Shandong Airlines (China), China Eastern Airlines (China)
How much is the airfare difference between economy and business class flight to Kunming, Kunming? Business class airline tickets to Kunming go beyond 3 times of that of the economy class tickets.
Do I need a tourist visa to visit Kunming? How safe is Kunming in China for US travelers? How long should be the validity of a passport?